The 2016 Pro Am and All Alaskan Skins Game will be July 11. All the pros have been invited and teams should start trickling in soon. While most pros have their own teams that they bring, some will be looking for players.
If you are interested in signing up as a single to get placed on a team, call the pro shop or stop on in to get signed up.
The 2016 Jr. Masters will be July 18 and 19. This is a great junior event that is an Alaska Junior Golf Association tournament. Go to the AJGA website to sign up.
Club Results
Monday Morning Seniors
Prizes were spread out this week, having four different winners. Steve Hammarstrom took low net with a 32. Kevin O’Fallon had closest-to at the sixth and Darrell Jelsma won it at the eighth. The longest putt made on No. 9 went to Gary Davis.
Tuesday Morning Ladies
Being the last Tuesday of the month, 14 ladies came out and played a scramble. It was a great morning and the winning team was Leona Jackson, Cheryl Hammarstrom, Rita Geller and Trena Richardson. Afterward, they enjoyed a nice potluck with plenty of food for all.
Tuesday Evening Couples
This was a fun one. Seven couples came to compete using only three clubs and a putter! While it seems harder, some actually play better with limited options. The weather held out perfectly and no one got wet. Steve and Sally Tachick ended up taking the prize, shooting a net score of 23. (Thankfully they paid attention, because my math was failing me.) We didn’t have any closest to the pin competitions, but Steve did also made a pure birdie on Nos. 2 and 5, so he won that prize as well. For food, it’s still BRING YOUR OWN MEAT and grill it up. It’s a great time. Come on out!
Wednesday Evening Men’s Night
Once again, 21 players came out to play in Men’s Night. This was BIG Wednesday, so entry fees were doubled, and so were the payouts. There was a great turnout and we enjoyed cheesburgers and beers afterward. The winning team shot a 31, and consisted of Brad Carver, Andy Kircher and Mike Hollingsworth. There were two teams that tied with 33s, and the rest didn’t fair as well.
Aaron Cooper, fishing guide extraordinaire, had the long drive on No. 4, and, if it were up to me (and another math issue), he would have had the pure birdie. In reality, it went to Brad Carver, who birdied the second on his own. Sorry Coop!
Mike Hollingsworth knocked it to 41 inches on No. 6 for closest-to, but was still outdone by Kevin Downs. He hit it to 23 inches at the eighth. Great playing guys. Big Wednesdays are the last Wednesday of each month, so we are back to normal payouts next week.