With the incredible weather, there is no reason to stay indoors. A nice round of golf at Bird homestead will help you enjoy this great weather we are having. Bird Homestead golf course is all the way out on mile 11.8 on Funny River road. The drive is beautiful and well worth it. We enjoy meeting all ranges of golfers, new golfers, young golfers, experienced golfers and people who have never golfed. Don’t worry about not having clubs, you can rent some at the clubhouse.
Bird Homestead has a weekly calendar that stays the same every week to accommodate all golfers:
Mondays — $1 a hole, all day
Tuesdays — Men’s Night, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays — Ladies night, starts at 6:30 p.m.
Thursdays — bring a friend for buy-a-round, get-a-round free
Junior Golf Lessons
TODAY is the kickoff for our junior golf program. Kids ages 6 through 16 are encouraged to come to our 100% FREE golf lessons, taught by pro golfer Tom Walsh and Kelsey Slough. Lessons start at 4 p.m. and are two hours long. Parents can stay and watch, drop off and pick up, or play a round of golf while the kiddos are learning this wonderful sport. Take advantage of this great opportunity; call the clubhouse to sign up for the lessons at (907) 260-4653.
Ladies Night
We had a fabulous group of women show up to play golf last week. We were hoping it didn’t rain on us, and we were in luck, we had a few sprinkles, but it lead to an amazing rainbow above us. The first place team was Kelsey Slough, Susan Ellis, Sissy Bird and Phyllis Cousins. Long Drive on hole No. 9 went to Kelsey Slough, and long putt went to the amazing Faith Link. We encourage ladies of all skill levels to join us for a fun night without the men. We start at 6:30 p.m., every Wednesday night.
Men’s night
The men had another great turnout as 29 men showed up for a fun men’s night. Mike Garner crushed his drive on hole No. 1, winning him long drive. J.E. Wells was in complete golf mode on hole No. 2 and got a pure birdie. Mike Fastabened was on spot with his tee shot on No. 8, and hit the green, winning him some cash. The first place team came in with an incredible 5-under par, Mike Gardner, Jeff Gillman, and Gary Early earned the bragging rights. After a chip off against Trevor Baldwin, Cuz Cousins and Ken Ubben, the team of Aaron Blackburn, Rich Harman, Matt Federle and Mike Fastabend won second. Men’s night is every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m., and new faces are always a great thing out at Bird Homestead.
Upcoming tournaments
Our first tournament of the season will be the Quilters Tournament. Every year the Funny River Quilters hold their annual benefit golf tournament and this year it will be THIS Saturday, June 20. Registration closes at 9:30 a.m. and shotgun at 10 a.m. This is an 18-hole best ball tournament. This is a fun tournament where funny things happen on Funny River road! Be sure to turn in your entry forms SOON, so they have enough time to plan for food. The number of carts is limited, so reserve one early. For more information call Marilyn at (907) 260-5874 or Lona at (907) 260-3982.
Fun Fact Thursday
Don’t feel bad about your high handicap. 80% of all golfers will never achieve a handicap of less than 18.