It is hard to believe that it is August already. At the Kenai Golf Course we are busy with tournaments and tee times. The Donnie Morgan Club Championship will be Saturday and Sunday. Tee times start at 9 a.m. The format is handicap stroke play, with three divisions. All Kenai Golf Association members are welcome to compete. For more information, contact the clubhouse or tournament director Kirk Hyman.
The Kenai Open was this past weekend at the Kenai Golf Course. In the gold division, Tom Reese finished first with a great two-day net score of 130. Bill Davis finished second with a two-day net of 143. Third place went to Keith Stuart, also with a net of 143. Bill won the first playoff hole.
In the white division, Mike Houghton was the winner with a two-day net score of 145. Keith Stasek finished second with a two-day total of 149. Third place went to Todd Eskelin with a 153.
The gross side pot for Saturday for the gold division was won by Bill Davis. Todd Eskelin won Saturday’s gross side pot for the white division.
Closest to the pin at the fifth Saturday was won by Bill Davis with a shot of 14 feet, 6 inches. Bill also was closest to No. 9 with 33 feet, 2 inches. Jerry Norris won closest to the pin at the 10th with 5 feet, 9.5 inches. Closest to the pin on No. 14 was won by Keith Stuart with an outstanding shot of just 4 feet.
Sunday, Todd Eskelin won the gross side pot for the white division and Tom Reese won for the gold division. Skins on Sunday for the white division were won by Keith Stasek, Mike Kebschull, Everet Hunter and Keith Stuart, each with one skin. Skins from the gold tees were won by Bill Davis, Keith Stuart and Kirk Hyman, each with one skin. Tom Reese had a total of four skins.
Sunday, closest to the pins were won by Keith Stuart on No. 5 (6 feet, 2.5 inches), Todd Eskelin on No. 9 (7 feet, 9.5 inches), Todd Eskelin on No. 10 (2 feet, 3.5 inches) and No. 14 by Tom Reese (12 feet). This was a fun tournament with lots of great prizes.
Senior League Results, July 31 — There was a three-way tie between Skip Dove, Bobby Bush and Tom Reese, each shooting a net 32. Low gross was won by Bill Davis with a score of 39. Longest putt at the fourth was won by Keith Stuart at 15 feet, 6.5 inches. Closest to the pin at the fifth was won by Skip Dove with a shot of 5 feet, 6 inches. Skins were won by Keith Stuart (on Nos. 4 and 9), Bill Davis (No. 2) and Noel Widmayer (No. 1).
Senior League Results, Tuesday — Doug Jung won low gross with a score of 39. Low net was won by Bill Davis with a net score of 33. There was a tie for fairways hit in regulation by Doug Jung and Keith Stuart, each with 7 of 9. Fewest putts was a four-way tie with Doug Jung, Noel Widmayer, Dwight Kramer and Craig Jung, each with 15 putts on the round. Keith Stuart won the only skin with a birdie on No. 5. Thank you, Jerry Norris, for running the senior program.
Upcoming tournaments are the aforementioned Donnie Morgan Memorial Club Championship on Saturday and Sunday; the first round and best-ball competition in the Peninsula Cup on Aug. 15 at 5:30 p.m.; the second round and alternate shot in the Peninsula Cup on Aug. 17 at 5:30 p.m.; the Brown Bears Tournament on Aug. 18; the KGA Tourney on Aug. 18 at 2 p.m.; the final round and singles competition of the Peninsula Cup on Aug. 19 at 11 a.m.; the Kenai Cup Finals on Aug. 25 and 26; a KGA Tourney on Sept. 9; the Fall Classic (two-person best ball) on Sept. 15 and 16; and the River City Cheer Glow Ball Tournament on Sept. 22.
Our final ladies’ clinic is Aug. 20 to 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. The last junior clinic for beginners is Aug. 26 to 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. For intermediate junior golfers, the clinic is 6 to 8 p.m. on Aug. 23 and 24. Call the clubhouse at 283-7500 to sign up.
Come out and join us for some great August golf. The Peninsula Cup starts Aug. 15 with a best-ball competition between Birch Ridge and Kenai, at the Kenai Golf Course beginning at 5:30 p.m. On Aug. 17, the dreaded alternate shot competition also begins at 5:30. The final round, the singles competition, is on Aug. 19, beginning at 9 a.m. Everyone is invited to come out and watch the competition.
As always, see you on the course.