Both the Northern Lights Conference and Greatland Conference postseason awards have been announced.
Conference champion Soldotna controlled the NLC awards, putting 11 players on the offensive first team and six players on the defensive first team.
As for major awards for the Stars, Drew Gibbs was the Offensive Player of the Year, Trevor Walden was the Co-Defensive Player of the Year, Galen Brantley Jr. was the Co-Coach of the Year and Eric Pomerleau was the Assistant Coach of the Year.
Kenai, which finished second in the league, had four players on the offensive first team and five players on the defensive first team.
Zack Koziczkowski was the Lineman of the Year for the Kards, while Chase Logan was a Co-Defensive Player of the Year and John Marquez was a Co-Coach of the Year.
Eielson was the champion of the Greatland Conference, but the Ravens did not populate all-conference selections like the Stars did.
The Ravens took one of the four major awards, with Anthony Griffith taking Offensive Player of the Year.
For Nikiski, which finished second in the league, Luke Johnson was Defensive Player of the Year. Seward, which took third, was led by Coach of the Year Kelly Cinereski, while Branden Derifield of Valdez was the Lineman of the Year.
Northern Lights Conference
All-Conference selections
Offensive Player of the Year — Drew Gibbs, Soldotna.
Lineman of the Year — Zack Koziczkowski, Kenai.
Co-Defensive Players of the Year — Trevor Walden, Soldotna; Chase Logan, Kenai.
Co-Coaches of the Year — Galen Brantley Jr., Soldotna; John Marquez, Kenai.
Assistant Coach of the Year — Eric Pomerleau, Soldotna.
First team — Quarterback: Brooks Furlong, Soldotna; Halfbacks: Chase Logan, Kenai, Drew Gibbs, Soldotna; Fullback: Ty Fenton, Soldotna; Wide receivers: Tim Duke, Soldotna, Connor Seay, Homer; Tight end: Trevor Walden, Soldotna; Tackles: Matt Trammell, Soldotna, Chris Lawson, Kenai; Guards: Zack Koziczkowski, Kenai, Austin Crowder, Soldotna; Center: Dalton Best, Soldotna; Long snapper: Andrew Welborn, Kenai; Kicker: Bailey Jones, Soldotna; Return specialist: Tim Duke, Soldotna.
Second team — Quarterback: Jace Baker, Kenai, Melvin Javier, Kodiak; Halfbacks: Josh Fisk, Homer, Jay-ar Small, Kodiak, Bailey Blumentritt, Soldotna; Fullback: Andrew Welborn, Kenai; Wide receivers: Tristan Amodo, Kodiak, Chase Gillies, Kenai, Zach McKenna, Homer; Tight end: Teddy Croft; Tackles: Adam O’Guinn, Soldotna, Kordell Pillans, Kodiak, Jacob Yavorsky, Kodiak, Ben Knisely, Homer; Guards: Kyle Hunter, Kenai, Adrian Gomez-Dickson, Soldotna; Center: Toby Randall, Kenai; Long snappers: Adrian Gomez-Dickson, Soldotna, Ian Lowe, Homer; Kicker: Connor Seay, Homer; Return specialist: Jay-Ar Small, Kodiak, Connor Seay, Homer.
Honorable mention — Quarterback: Sheldon Hutt, Homer; Halfback: Eric Hill, Homer; Fullback: Isagani Galindez, Kodiak; Tackles: Patrick Rainwater, Homer, David Beck, Kenai; Guards: Trevor Fenex, Homer, Vince Waddell, Homer; Centers: James Kraszeski, Homer, Hunter Bigley, Kodiak; Long snapper: Ian Lowe, Homer; Kicker: Connor Seay, Homer; Return specialist: Connor Seay, Homer.
First team — Outside linebackers: Jace Baker, Kenai, Drew Gibbs, Soldotna; Inside linebackers: Chase Logan, Kenai, Drew Fowler, Soldotna; Defensive Backs: Bailey Blumentritt, Soldotna, Tim Duke, Soldotna, Sheldon Hutt, Homer; Interior linemen: Jacob Yavorsky, Kodiak, Zack Koziczkowski, Kenai, Trevor Walden, Soldotna, Sage Hill, Soldotna; Punter: Jace Baker, Kenai; Utility player: Kyle Foree, Kenai.
Second team — Outside linebackers: Teddy Croft, Homer, Zach Lueth, Homer, Ty Fenton, Soldotna; Inside linebackers: Andre Mandapat, Kodiak, Andrew Welborn, Kenai, Jared Chavez, Soldotna, Zach McKenna, Homer, Eric Hill, Homer; Defensive backs: Brooks Furlong, Soldotna, Connor Seay, Homer, Josh Fisk, Homer, Jay-Ar Small, Kodiak, Isagani Galindez, Kodiak, Melvin Javier, Kodiak, Chase Gillies, Kenai; Interior linemen: Josh Blair, Kodiak, Kordell Pillians, Kodiak, Chris Lawson, Kenai, Kyle Hunter, Kenai, Ben Knisely, Homer, Trevor Fenex, Homer, Patrick Rainwater, Homer, Michael Swoboda, Homer, Matt Trammell, Soldotna; Punters: Eric Hill, Homer, Bailey Jones, Soldotna; Utility Player: Dylan Ackerman, Soldotna.
Honorable mention — Outside linebacker: Zach Lueth, Homer; Inside linebackers: Jared Chavez, Soldotna, Eric Hill, Homer; Defensive backs: Connor Seay, Homer, Josh Fisk, Homer, Isagani Galindez, Kodiak; Interior linemen: Josh Blair, Kodiak, Kyle Hunter, Kenai, Trevor Fenex, Homer, Michael Swoboda, Homer, Shane Fielding, Soldotna; Punter: Bailey Jones, Soldotna; Utility player: Dylan Ackerman, Soldotna.
Greatland Conference
All-Conference selections
Offensive Player of the Year — Anthony Griffith, Eielson.
Defensive Player of the Year — Luke Johnson, Nikiski.
Lineman of the Year — Branden Derifield, Valdez.
Coach of the Year — Kelly Cinereski, Seward.
First team — Quarterbacks: Cade Anderson, Nikiski, Alex Pahno, Seward; Halfbacks: Kalib Dunlap, Eielson, Christian Riddall, Nikiski; Fullback: Anthony Griffith, Eielson; Wide receivers: Hunter Holloway, Nikiski, Tony Dunbar, Barrow; Long snapper: Peter Button, Monroe; Tight end: Mickey Radotich, Valdez; Tackles: Jackson Wallace, Monroe, Ryan Cooks, Eielson, Ben Carstens, Nikiski; Guards: Branden Derifield, Valdez, Austin Edson, Eielson, Luke Johnson, Nikiski; Centers: Howie Hubbard, Seward, Jacob Williams, Nikiski; Kicker: Howie Hubbard, Seward; Return specialist: Terrance Annoigyuk, Seward.
Second team — Quarterback: Gavril Kalugin, Voznesenka; Halfbacks: Caleb Velez, Eielson, Terrance Annoigyuk, Seward; Fullback: Calab Thomas, Monroe; Wide receiver: Rhett Seiverts, Seward; Long snapper: Zach Martin, Seward; Tight end: Conor O’Kelley-Ault, Monroe; Tackles: Tevita Vehikite, Barrow, Connor Verfaillie, Valdez; Guards: Jon Baird, Eielson, Jon McCormick, Nikiski, Hunter Doan, Seward; Centers: Chris Kilpatrick, Eielson, Peter Button, Monroe; Kicker: Aitkan Fa’alogo, Barrow.
Honorable mention — Halfback: Preston Atwood, Seward; Fullbacks: Kiril Sanarov, Voznesenka, Ben Miranda, Seward; Long snapper: Jon McCormick, Nikiski; Tight end: Zach Martin, Seward; Guard: Jacob Connell.
First team — Outside linebackers: Conor O’Kelley-Ault, Monroe, Christian Riddall, Nikiski, Kalib Dunlap, Eielson; Inside linebackers: Kiril Sanarov, Voznesenka, Austin Edson, Eielson, Luke Johnson, Nikiski; Defensive backs: Antonio Griffith, Eielson, Nico Castro, Nikiski, Dylan Broussard, Nikiski, Anthony Griffith, Eielson; Interior linemen: Branden Derifield, Valdez; Jon McCormick, Nikiski, Jon Baird, Eielson, Tevita Vehikitie, Barrow; Punter: Luke Johnson; Utility player: Brian Meyer.
Second team — Outside linebackers: Zach Martin, Seward, Connor Verfaillie, Valdez, Alex Pahno, Seward; Inside linebackers: Ryan Crooks, Eielson, Ben Miranda, Seward, Mickey Radotich, Valdez; Defensive backs: Brenden Maines, Monroe, Terrance Annogiyuk, Seward, Cody Ponce Deleon, Barrow, Zach Howard, Valdez; Interior linemen: Howie Hubbard, Seward, Ben Carstens, Nikiski, Jackson Wallace, Monroe, Aitkan Fa’alogo, Barrow; Punter: Howie Hubbard, Seward; Utility player: Colbin Hansen, Valdez.
Honorable mention — Defensive backs: Preston Fifarek, Valdez, Preston Atwood, Seward; Interior linemen: Ray Atos, Barrow, Chris Kilpatrick, Eielson, Rhett Seiverts, Seward, Taylor Benjamin, Eielson, Jacob Connell, Valdez, Terrance Annogiyuk, Seward; Punter: Brenden Maines, Monroe, Gavril Kalugin, Voznesenka; Utility player — David Matthew, Barrow, Isaac Osborn, Seward.