Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
‘Unlike any school year we’ve ever had before’
Alaska’s junior senator discusses economic recovery, legislative priorities and pandemic response
Nurse gives tips for aiding contact tracers
Get It and Go Meals are available through the school district.
Kenai now has 75 total cumulative cases.
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
The contest asks students to come up with an idea related to conservation or disaster preparedness.
Community health center offers kids new backpacks for the start of school.
There are now a total of 4,438 resident cases of COVID-19 in Alaska
Cases include 14 on central peninsula, one in Homer and one nonresident
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
Several changes will be in place at all polling locations Tuesday.
The state reported 50 new cases on Monday and 106 new cases Sunday.
Marathon has safety measures in place for bringing contractors to community
The recurring challenge of recruiting election workers has been complicated by the pandemic.
“We watch each day with our fingers crossed hoping there won’t be an explosion of cases.”
About 88,000 Alaskans have received unemployment benefits since March 1.
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.