The former state lawmaker announced last summer that he would be challenging incumbent Gov. Mike Dunleavy
Walker highlights infrastructure opportunities, centrist status in campaign visit to peninsula
Former lawyer and avid garden writer says he knows Alaska like no other
The party has also endorsed incumbent Gov. Mike Dunleavy
Former Republican running as an undeclared candidate touts civic experience
She is one of 48 candidates vying for Alaska’s vacant U.S. House seat
Summer emerged as the clear favorite season in a mock ranked choice election held at Wednesday’s joint Kenai and Soldotna chambers of commerce luncheon in… Continue reading
Group emphasizes bipartisan opposition to convention
The disclosure rules were part of a ballot measure that overhauled Alaska’s elections system
Final reapportionment plans are subject to approval by borough voters
Karyn Griffin said she is mostly running to raise awareness about different issues
People must be registered to vote by May 12 to vote in the special primary election
Tuckerman Babcock and incumbent Sen. Peter Micciche have also filed to run for the seat
PFD question is providing a tail wind for groups seeking to change the constitution to address a range of hot button topics
The state plans to hold the special general election on Aug. 16, concurrently with the regular Alaska primary
A decision is expected by April 1.
The borough mayor sat down with the Clarion at his Sterling home to discuss his gubernatorial platform
Babcock will challenge incumbent Peter Micciche for the seat containing Kenai and Soldotna
U.S. Senate hopeful Kelly Tshibaka continues to report financial support from residents of the Kenai Peninsula, but falls behind incumbent Lisa Murkowski overall. That’s per… Continue reading