Alaska Department of Fish and Game representatives will conduct presentations at coho salmon egg takes
The move comes after widespread closures announced
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is predicting a more plentiful sockeye salmon run in Cook Inlet this year compared to last, though the… Continue reading
The mission of the task force will be to better understand the unintended bycatch of fish caught in both state and federal waters.
The new limits are six per day and 12 in possession.
The Alaska Board of Fisheries held an emergency meeting Monday after eastside setnetters submitted petitions to reopen the fishery. In the end the board voted… Continue reading
Officials aren’t exactly sure.
King salmon projected to not meet minimum escapement
The study looks at nine different indicators for 15 Cook Inlet chinook popluations.
“Fish are coming in thick … People are catching limits daily.”
The best is yet to come, if you know what you’re doing.
Alaska pollock required in school lunches
If projections are realized, this year’s run would rank as the fourth lowest across 34 years.
In January the board decided to move the regulatory meeting from the Kenai Peninsula to Anchorage.
Citing concern over a lack of public notice, peninsula officials have asked the Alaska Board of Fisheries to rescind its decision to move the location… Continue reading