In my opinion, many Americans find Trump to be a divisive president who fertilizes false beliefs throughout the nation with his lies. I remind them… Continue reading
Wild salmon were once abundant on several continents for many centuries. The only place on the planet that wild salmon still survive is in Alaska.… Continue reading
We have respect for individuals’ belief in some form of spiritual guidance in their personal lives. However, we, along with many others, believe prayer to… Continue reading
Have you ever bought a used car without checking under the hood? Heck, no! Then think twice before you vote for Mike Dunleavy for Governor.… Continue reading
October is National Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month. But what happens when a dog is taken home, put on a leash, and left to die? If you adopt… Continue reading
“No” on 1 is best for Alaska Let us be clear: We are longtime Alaskans and love our salmon and wildlife! We will be voting… Continue reading
Simply put, he is the best candidate to represent the Kenai Peninsula. Working in state politics requires hearing diverse, often very passionate opinions on an… Continue reading
Alaska’s roads are wallpapered with grim “No on 1” billboards. Don’t be fooled. Outside corporations touting misguided projects that disregard Alaska’s unique renewable natural resources… Continue reading
Alaskans will vote on the Stand For Salmon initiative on Nov. 6. The opposition to this measure has used trickery, deception, exaggeration, and now outright… Continue reading
The outside billionaires inundating the airwaves, social media and newspapers with ads are telling us that the problems with salmon returns are all in the… Continue reading
Why we need Ben Carpenter for State House Captain Ben Carpenter has led troops in battle in Iraq and Afghanistan, showing that he can handle… Continue reading
Seaton stands tall Now that we are reaching the culmination of the district 31 political season on Nov. 6, Paul Seaton stands tall as our… Continue reading
Alyse Galvin is the only congressional candidate who will represent the values shared by all Alaskans. Her campaign began with grassroots organizers, and she has… Continue reading
What does it take to understand and serve the diverse needs and well-being of Alaskans in a rapidly changing world? It takes what it has… Continue reading
Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat was established in 2015 with the specific intent to protect the interests of North Slope people and communities, and Ballot… Continue reading
I don’t know about other District 31 voters, but I want a representative who respects my intelligence and appeals to my better nature. I want… Continue reading
We Alaskans are fish people plain and simple. We revere them, catch them, can them, pickle them, view them in their natural state, consume them,… Continue reading
Make History Scotland, England, Norway, Japan, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, California, Oregon, Washington… all used to have wild salmon runs. It’s… Continue reading
Those of us who live on the Southern Kenai Peninsula are fortunate to have Paul Seaton as our State House Representative. Regardless of whether you… Continue reading
My vote for Alyse Galvin I am so very proud and appreciative of Sen. Lisa Murkowski for acting on principle rather than partisanship. She is… Continue reading