Alaska’s senior senator talks local, national politics ahead of reelection campaign
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced summer sport fishing regulations Wednesday
Contact tracing and data collection will have to be reworked if COVID is here to stay
The lawsuit seeks to reopen commercial salmon fishing in the Upper Cook Inlet Exclusive Economic Zone
The total number of statewide COVID deaths is nearly equivalent to the population of Funny River.
Project Homeless Connect offers services, supplies to those experiencing housing instability
Jake Thompson is a former host of KSRM’s Tall, Dark and Handsome Show and Sound-off talk-show
A drive-up COVID-19 testing clinic will be held at Homer Public Health Center this week.
On Monday, there were 14 staff members and 69 students self-isolating with the virus
The state reported 5,759 new cases sequenced from Jan. 21-23
The event will be held at the Soldotna Sports Complex on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The new theater is projected to cost around $4.7 million.
Thibodeau says he wants to focus on inclusivity and kindness during his term
Forum reflects on 25 years protecting peninsula watershed
The quake was centered 41 miles southwest of Kenai.
The borough mayor notified local officials in an email Thursday
John Walsh, Pat Broaders and Brenda Castles will perform Friday
New green infrastructure project to solve drainage issues
COVID cases are up 38% from last week, and have risen significantly since mid-December.
Volunteer of the Year Safra is appointed to Commission on Aging