1 to 4 inches of snow and around one-tenth of an inch of ice buildup is expected.
Mariculture refers to marine farming or aquaculture in marine environments.
In all, the change will result in an additional loss of 4.5 hours of school time.
Sankofa Dance Theater Alaska, established in 2017, is an Anchorage-based African dance and drum group.
But it’s going to take proactive work, health officials say
The new council gave unanimous approval to the legislation on Wednesday.
The shelter is located off the Kenai Spur Highway in Nikiski and has been years in the making.
The acclaimed tale follows four siblings who discover a snowy fantasy world beyond the doors of an antique wardrobe.
COVID cases on the eastern peninsula have been rapidly declining since late September.
A GoFundMe is taking donations for the victims
City council voted to submit an amicus brief concerning the closure
Demonstration table shows how water affects peninsula geography.
The skating recital is a full-costume performance to music.
The approximately 5,600-square-foot building is slated for completion in the spring or summer of 2022.
New radio reporter to bring expanded community news coverage.
The case was reported in an Anchorage resident who had tested positive for the virus after traveling internationally.
Tobacco policy violations accounted for more than 1,800 days lost from school in Alaska in the 2018-2019 school year.
Study analyzes outcomes for stranded beluga calves rehabilitated at SeaLife Center.
On Friday, the state reported 453 new COVID cases, for a seven-day cumulative rolling average of 195 cases per day.
The Soldotna City Council voted to set aside $350,000 in excess CARES dollars for the shop local program earlier this year.