Nikiski rec center hosts Christmas celebration
The bid award will cover a programming phase, value analysis and cost estimate in a not-to-exceed amount of $125,000.
The proposed Lease Sale 258 includes about 224 blocks covering more than 1 million acres of seafloor.
A Toyota Sienna minivan delivered the peninsula’s first COVID shots to Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna on Dec. 16 last year.
Realtors donate holiday gifts to at-risk kids.
The changes come after months of contention over the process for approving new members to the commission.
The films range from extreme sports to outdoor winter hobbies, while also promoting sustainable recreation.
Blizzard clogged roads, shut down school and buried southern peninsula.
The man and a companion were hunting deer and seals on Esther Island in Prince William Sound, troopers said.
A winter storm warning was issued Thursday
Peninsula reported 10 cases
Supporters said the meetings offer the opportunity for assembly members to make important in-person connections.
The pair were reportedly hunting on Wednesday on Esther Island in Prince William Sound.
On Tuesday, the Chugach Avalanche Center announced “very dangerous avalanche conditions.”
A federal lawsuit challenging the ruling has temporarily blocked its enforcement.
Triumvirate’s former building burned down Feb. 20.
Lawmakers were invited for an “open discussion” about the upcoming legislative session.
Central peninsula schools are still planned to open.
The proposal would have divided the plan into four chunks that each of the city’s commissions would review one at a time.