Fishermen, processors, elected officials warn of devastation to the fishery.
Fishermen, processors take issue with option to close waters to commercial fishing
City manager authorized to negotiate Homer Spit lease with Salmon Sisters
Bob Letson led several expansions, improvements in nearly 10 years in Homer
‘Every eligible vote is going to counted,’ elections spokesperson says
Mask now so businesses stay open later, they say.
Absentee ballots can be mailed or dropped off at Homer City Hall
Homer High School remains open to in-person learners
Ballot measure to create service area for Ninilchik, Anchor Point passes
The victim, Keith Huss, 57, was found in Turnagain Pass
A man found was dead at a road pullout near Mile 68.5 of the Seward Highway on Tuesday.
The state announced four new hospitalizations Wednesday.
Child care, social services and nonprofits can now apply for funds
No one injured in blaze at the Homer Harbor
‘We believe in the individual.’
Pollution, human rights and community determinism are all on their agenda.