Around two dozen people gathered to snowshoe at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge stand for a photo near Soldotna, Alaska, on Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Refuge hosts guided snowshoe walks

Along trails near the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge’s Visitor Center, a procession of around two dozen snowshoers followed Park Ranger Leah Eskelin on a Saturday… Continue reading

Around two dozen people gathered to snowshoe at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge stand for a photo near Soldotna, Alaska, on Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
A snowmachine at rest in front of the Snag Lake public use cabin. (Photo by credit Scott Slavick/USFWS)

Refuge Notebook: Preparedness is key to staying safe in the backcountry

If you spend any time in the backcountry, it’s bound to happen: an ankle sprain halfway into a day hike; afternoon wind unexpectedly turns a… Continue reading

A snowmachine at rest in front of the Snag Lake public use cabin. (Photo by credit Scott Slavick/USFWS)
Clouds cover the beach at Lowell Point State Recreation Site on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023 near Seward, Alaska. (Ashlyn O’Hara/Peninsula Clarion)

Fee increases for State Park usage rescinded days before going into effect

The existing fees will continue to be apply “as if they were never replaced”

Clouds cover the beach at Lowell Point State Recreation Site on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023 near Seward, Alaska. (Ashlyn O’Hara/Peninsula Clarion)
A snowmachine rider takes advantage of two feet of fresh snow on a field down Murwood Avenue in Soldotna, Alaska on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Snowmachine use closed in parts of Chugach National Forest, opened in refuge

On the refuge, all areas “traditionally open to snowmachine use” are now open

A snowmachine rider takes advantage of two feet of fresh snow on a field down Murwood Avenue in Soldotna, Alaska on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
The bronze statue depicting a "giant Kenai Moose" of the early "19s" stands to welcome present-day guests to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center in Soldotna, Alaska. (Photo by USFWS)

Refuge Notebook: Marking 82 years in the great flow of past, present and future on the Kenai

Whether they were pulling my leg or not, a couple of years ago, my kids started asking me questions like, “Mom, did you have phones… Continue reading

The bronze statue depicting a "giant Kenai Moose" of the early "19s" stands to welcome present-day guests to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center in Soldotna, Alaska. (Photo by USFWS)
The sun shines over Tern Lake on Sunday, May 22, 2022 near Cooper Landing, Alaska. (Ashlyn O'Hara/Peninsula Clarion)

Tales of trails

‘Trail Mix Journal’ collects stories and experiences from local wilderness

The sun shines over Tern Lake on Sunday, May 22, 2022 near Cooper Landing, Alaska. (Ashlyn O'Hara/Peninsula Clarion)

Years of Homer ‘Nutcracker’ magic

I am in the back row of “Nutcracker 2023” warmups on the high school stage. My head is by the pre-set elaborate Christmas tree, decorated… Continue reading

Young samplings are better than a muffin to this moose on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Colin Canterbury/USFWS)

Refuge Notebook: We stand on the shoulders of giant moose

This story starts 2,500 miles southeast as the raven flies from Kenai National Wildlife Refuge to the heart of the Weminuche Wilderness in the southern… Continue reading

Young samplings are better than a muffin to this moose on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. (Photo by Colin Canterbury/USFWS)
Cook Inlet is seen from Clam Gulch State Recreation Area on Feb. 7, 2020, in Clam Gulch, Alaska. (Photo by Erin Thompson/Peninsula Clarion file)
Cook Inlet is seen from Clam Gulch State Recreation Area on Feb. 7, 2020, in Clam Gulch, Alaska. (Photo by Erin Thompson/Peninsula Clarion file)
Spruce trees are dusted with snow on Dec. 22, 2020, in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge near Soldotna, Alaska. Some areas of the refuge are open to harvest of holiday trees for non-commercial uses beginning Thanksgiving. (Photo by Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
Spruce trees are dusted with snow on Dec. 22, 2020, in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge near Soldotna, Alaska. Some areas of the refuge are open to harvest of holiday trees for non-commercial uses beginning Thanksgiving. (Photo by Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
An icy driveway in Kenai, Alaska, on Nov. 16, 2023. (Photo by Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)

Out of the Office: No column this week

I couldn’t write my Out of the Office column this week. Too hard. How is one supposed to settle on an appropriately outdoorsy topic amongst… Continue reading

An icy driveway in Kenai, Alaska, on Nov. 16, 2023. (Photo by Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
Cook Inlet is seen from Clam Gulch State Recreation Area on Feb. 7, 2020, in Clam Gulch, Alaska. (Photo by Erin Thompson/Peninsula Clarion file)

Parking fees at state parks to go up in 2024

Parking fees at state parks to go up in 2024

Cook Inlet is seen from Clam Gulch State Recreation Area on Feb. 7, 2020, in Clam Gulch, Alaska. (Photo by Erin Thompson/Peninsula Clarion file)
A snowmachine rider takes advantage of two feet of fresh snow on a field down Murwood Avenue in Soldotna, Alaska on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Snowmachines allowed in parts of Chugach National Forest

Sections of both the Glacier and Seward ranger districts, in Turnagain Pass, Carter Lake, Resurrection Pass, Lost Lake and the north Johnson Pass trailhead are opened

A snowmachine rider takes advantage of two feet of fresh snow on a field down Murwood Avenue in Soldotna, Alaska on Monday, Dec. 12, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
The Sterling Highway crosses the Kenai River near the Russian River Campground on March 15, 2020, near Cooper Landing, Alaska. (Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
The Sterling Highway crosses the Kenai River near the Russian River Campground on March 15, 2020, near Cooper Landing, Alaska. (Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
Photo courtesy Ben Meyer
From left: Buck Kunz, Maura Schumacher and Ben Meyer pose during their pack-rafting trip in the Brooks Range in August 2023.

Seizing the opportunity to explore

Packrafting adventure the topic of next KPC Showcase

Photo courtesy Ben Meyer
From left: Buck Kunz, Maura Schumacher and Ben Meyer pose during their pack-rafting trip in the Brooks Range in August 2023.
Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges volunteer Beth Sullivan surveys for the invasive plant elodea at Campfire Lake on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge on Aug. 30, 2023. Here she pulled up a rake full of star duckweed (Lemna trisulca). (Photo by Matt Bowser/USFWS)

Refuge Notebook: Deja vu and something new — Probing Kenai Peninsula lakes for invasive species

We had been here before. Agencies, nongovernment organizations and community members had all taken part in an effort to remove invasive northern pike and elodea… Continue reading

Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges volunteer Beth Sullivan surveys for the invasive plant elodea at Campfire Lake on the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge on Aug. 30, 2023. Here she pulled up a rake full of star duckweed (Lemna trisulca). (Photo by Matt Bowser/USFWS)
North Yuyanq’ Ch’ex rises through heavy cloud cover over hikers on the Rabbit Lake Trail near Anchorage, Alaska, on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023. Jake Dye didn’t realize Rabbit Lake would be his last hike of the season, but in hindsight the hail should have been an indicator. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Out of the Office: Looking for snow

For the last few weeks, I’ve poked my head out the window each morning hoping for signs of snow. It’s certainly been cold enough. Eagerly… Continue reading

North Yuyanq’ Ch’ex rises through heavy cloud cover over hikers on the Rabbit Lake Trail near Anchorage, Alaska, on Sunday, Sept. 24, 2023. Jake Dye didn’t realize Rabbit Lake would be his last hike of the season, but in hindsight the hail should have been an indicator. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Soldotna city council members, staff and residents break ground on the Soldotna field house project on Friday, Oct. 20, 2023, in Soldotna, Alaska. (Ashlyn O’Hara/Peninsula Clarion)

Soldotna breaks ground on field house

When completed, the 40,500-square-foot field house will cover roughly an acre of land

Soldotna city council members, staff and residents break ground on the Soldotna field house project on Friday, Oct. 20, 2023, in Soldotna, Alaska. (Ashlyn O’Hara/Peninsula Clarion)
A female moose sunbathes in October 2023 in Anchor Point, Alaska. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)

Out of the Office: Take a breather

Sometimes I need a reminder to just breathe. It’s easy to get caught up in the day, with my workload or errands or the generally… Continue reading

A female moose sunbathes in October 2023 in Anchor Point, Alaska. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)
The banded Annaճ hummingbird is being released and flew away seconds after the photo was taken. (Photo by T. Eskelin, USFWS)

Refuge Notebook: Tales of the traveling hummingbird

In the book “A Sand County Almanac,” Aldo Leopold wrote, “To band a bird is to hold a ticket in a great lottery. Most of… Continue reading

The banded Annaճ hummingbird is being released and flew away seconds after the photo was taken. (Photo by T. Eskelin, USFWS)