Point of view


Point of View: There is nothing to like about Project 2025

Project 2025 - Presidential Transition Project’s intent is radical

Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Voter tidbit: What is your voting story?

Voting is crucial for democracy to work

Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Voter tidbit: All about primaries

Early primary election voting begins Aug. 5

Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Opinion: The open primary reflects the voting preferences of Alaska Native communities

We set out to analyze the results of that first open primary election in 2022, to let the facts speak for themselves

Priya Helweg is the acting regional director and executive officer for the Region 10 Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

Opinion: Delivering for people with disabilities

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is working to make sure everyone has access to important services and good health care

Priya Helweg is the acting regional director and executive officer for the Region 10 Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Voter tidbit: What’s on the local ballot?

City and borough elections will take place on Oct. 1

Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)

Voter tidbit: Important information about voting in the upcoming elections

Mark your calendar now for these upcoming election dates!

Voters fill out their ballots at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai, Alaska on Election Day, Nov. 8, 2022. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
The Exxon Baton Rouge, smaller ship, attempts to off-load crude from the Exxon Valdez that ran aground in Prince William Sound, Valdez, Alaska, spilling over 270,000 barrels of crude oil, shown March 26, 1989. (AP Photo/Rob Stapleton)

Point of View: Exxon Valdez oil spill brought out local heroes

When the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound 35 years ago, local people sprang to respond long before Exxon provided any help

The Exxon Baton Rouge, smaller ship, attempts to off-load crude from the Exxon Valdez that ran aground in Prince William Sound, Valdez, Alaska, spilling over 270,000 barrels of crude oil, shown March 26, 1989. (AP Photo/Rob Stapleton)
Larry Persily. (Juneau Empire file photo)

Opinion: No Alaska governor has ever so boldly held schools and students as political hostages

‘Star Trek’ reference looks past real argument for school funding

Larry Persily. (Juneau Empire file photo)
Larry Persily. (Juneau Empire file photo)

Point of View: Some state lawmakers need to embrace reality, not PFD political theater

State revenues minus public services do not leave enough in the checkbook to pay an oversized dividend

Larry Persily. (Juneau Empire file photo)
Sarah Vance (Photo provided)

Point of View: A moment of agony for Sarah Vance, and for Homer

The emotions driving Sarah Vance to the brink of tears during her agonizing silence in front of the Legislature suggested a battle of ideas

Sarah Vance (Photo provided)
Alaska Council of School Administrators logo. (Photo provided)

Op-Ed: The K-12 Fiscal Cliff: Who is Responsible? Everyone!

Seven years is a very long time to go without a meaningful permanent state funding increase

Alaska Council of School Administrators logo. (Photo provided)
The former Lighthouse Village property, now owned by Doyon Inc. and the proposed site for the construction of a large hotel complex, is photographed on Friday, Dec. 8, 2023, in Homer, Alaska. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)

Point of View: Thoughts on the Doyon Lighthouse Village complex plans

My comments only address the potential impact that this project might have on local bird populations and habitat as well as opportunity for birding

The former Lighthouse Village property, now owned by Doyon Inc. and the proposed site for the construction of a large hotel complex, is photographed on Friday, Dec. 8, 2023, in Homer, Alaska. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)
The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. building in Juneau. (Clarise Larson/Juneau Empire)

Point of View: Permanent fund management should be improved

We need a bigger board, with longer terms, made up from a field of highly respected investment experts

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. building in Juneau. (Clarise Larson/Juneau Empire)
Logo courtesy of League of Women Voters.

League of Women Voters of Alaska: Join us in calling for campaign finance limits

The involvement of money in our elections is a huge barrier for everyday Alaskans who run for public office

Logo courtesy of League of Women Voters.
Image via weseeyou.community

5 tips for creating a culture of caring in our high schools

Our message: No matter what challenges you’re facing, we see you. We support you. And we’re here for you.

Image via weseeyou.community
A line of voters runs out the door of the Diamond Ridge Voting Precinct at the Homer Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, in Homer, Alaska. Chamber Executive Director Brad Anderson said he had never seen the amount of people coming through the polling place. (Photo by Michael Armstrong/Homer News)

How many ways can you vote?

Multiple ballot options available to voters

A line of voters runs out the door of the Diamond Ridge Voting Precinct at the Homer Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center on Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, in Homer, Alaska. Chamber Executive Director Brad Anderson said he had never seen the amount of people coming through the polling place. (Photo by Michael Armstrong/Homer News)
Former Gov. Frank Murkowski speaks on a range of subjects during an interview with the Juneau Empire in May 2019. (Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)

Point of View: The wrong move

This is the first step in what will end up being a multiyear, disruptive, unnecessary and expensive move to Anchorage

Former Gov. Frank Murkowski speaks on a range of subjects during an interview with the Juneau Empire in May 2019. (Michael Penn / Juneau Empire File)
Taz Tally. (Photo by Christina Whiting/courtesy)

Point of View: I stand with drag queens

I changed my perspective when I saw my first drag queen show in Montreal in 1964

Taz Tally. (Photo by Christina Whiting/courtesy)
Point of View

Point of View: Student recounts the painful weeks since 4 were killed

It is Nov. 13, and that text is the start of a surreal day for me and every other student at the University of Idaho

Point of View