A quote that is attributed to Aristotle observes that “nature abhors a vacuum.” He based his conclusion on the observation that nature requires every space… Continue reading
It was during the Jewish harvest festival that Jesus shouted out these words. It isn’t difficult to imagine the setting. They had a long season… Continue reading
Looking at the state of world beyond the Kenai Peninsula, I can see why so many have an increased amount of anxiety. It is at… Continue reading
A fresh coat of concrete and new classrooms are going up at the Trinity Christian Center on the hill outside Soldotna. The church, recognizable for… Continue reading
Different seasons of the year are different in appearance, activity, and atmosphere. Each season is unique in those aspects. One factor stands out to me… Continue reading
Here’s a question. Do you value hard work? Many of us would say yes, though of course a person can abuse work and end up… Continue reading
I’ve been thinking a lot about “focus” of late. Focus affects every area of our lives. It controls what we do, who we get along… Continue reading
I’ve been thinking a lot about “focus” of late. Focus affects every area of our lives. It controls what we do, who we get along… Continue reading
One of the triple-armed Russian Orthodox crosses atop Kenai’s Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church was taken down by a boom-lift crew… Continue reading
Some of the square-hewn timbers of the small Russian Orthodox chapel in Old Town Kenai may be exchanged for fresh wood during a planned restoration… Continue reading
From out on the dark waters of Cook Inlet near the Kenai River, one of the brightest lights of Kenai comes from the steeple of… Continue reading
John Michael, a member of Kenai’s Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church, prepares to carry a damaged icon of Jesus praying in… Continue reading
When the Kenai Peninsula was shaken by the 7.1 magnitude Iniskin earthquake in the early hours of Jan. 24, one of the many things to… Continue reading
Kenai’s Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church is filled with religious art and historical artifacts, is built of logs, and hosts weekly… Continue reading
The rough wooden interior of St. Nicholas chapel was lit by a hissing gas lantern as Father Andrew Thomas, priest of Kenai’s Holy Assumption of… Continue reading
A system designed to extinguish fires without damaging the Holy Assumption of the Virgin Mary Russian Orthodox Church’s collection of icons, art, and archived documents… Continue reading
Like the history it examined, the weekend’s history conference at Kenai Peninsula College was many things to many people. For Michael Skinner, who gives summer… Continue reading