It is the third sea otter pup to be rescued this year
The board-set optimal escapement goal for large late-run Kenai River king salmon has not been achieved in the four years that it has been in place
Over the course of six days of voting, she proved herself the fattest bear of Katmai National Park
Paunchy ursine competitors go head-to-head in annual Fat Bear Week
The seals were Pierogi, Pringle and Belle de Fontenay
At a viewing station on Kenai’s bluff overlook, dozens gathered and peered out over the Kenai River during a morning session
The chats will cover a range of interesting topics, centered on knowledge, research and projects
Tthe animal still had a fresh umbilical cord, suggesting she was only a day, “possibly even hours,” old
Belugas Count! set for Sept. 23
The pup is the latest in an extensive roster of animals rescued this summer
Alaska Beluga Monitoring Program trains volunteers to collect information about the Cook Inlet beluga population
The calf had earned national attention for its unique prescription of “round-the-clock” cuddling
He was spotted on the North Slope around 4 miles inland
An unusually colored raven has been turning heads around the central Kenai Peninsula for the last few weeks — standing out from the crowd with… Continue reading
The center currently has 9 pups in their care
The female seal pup was seen on a crowded fishing beach
As of Tuesday evening, the video had amassed more than 2.3 million views on TikTok
Experts will discuss bear attractants, how bear-resistant electric fencing works, and how to get financial assistance
Warming waters, more numerous predators, bycatch, parasites, increased competition all point to tremendous difficulty in species resurgence
The Dinosaur Parcel, named for its unique shape, has long been prioritized for conservation