Submit a Letter to the Editor

Peninsula Clarion welcomes letters and attempts to publish all those received, subject to a few guidelines.

  1. All letters must include the writer’s name, phone number and address,

  2. Letters are limited to 500 words and may be edited to fit available space,

  3. Letters are run in the order they are received,

  4. Letters that, in the editor’s judgment, are libelous will not be printed,

  5. The editor also may exclude letters that are untimely or irrelevant to the public interest,

  6. Short, topical poetry should be submitted to Poet’s Corner and will not be printed on the Opinion page,

  7. Submissions from other publications will not be printed,

  8. Applause letters should recognize public-spirited service and contributions,

  9. Personal thank-you notes will not be published.

To read submitted letters, please visit

Peninsula Clarion

150 Trading Bay Road
Suite 1
Kenai, AK 99611


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